Unraveling the Mystery: Static Readonly Field Value Gets Replaced
Image by Chesslie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Static Readonly Field Value Gets Replaced

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Are you a developer who’s been scratching their head over the seemingly inexplicable behavior of static readonly fields in your programming endeavors? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of static readonly fields and explore the reasons behind the phenomenon of their values getting replaced.

What are Static Readonly Fields?

In programming, a static readonly field is a type of field that is shared by all instances of a class. The keyword “static” implies that the field belongs to the class itself, rather than an instance of the class. The “readonly” keyword, on the other hand, ensures that the field can only be initialized once, either during declaration or in a static constructor.

public class MyClass
    public static readonly string MyStaticField = "Initial Value";

The Problem: Static Readonly Field Value Gets Replaced

Now, imagine your surprise when you discover that the value of your carefully crafted static readonly field has changed unexpectedly. You might have written code like this:

public class MyClass
    public static readonly string MyStaticField = "Initial Value";
    public MyClass()
        MyStaticField = "New Value"; // compile-time error: The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer

Wait, what? You can’t assign a new value to a readonly field, right? Well, sort of. While you can’t reassign a value to a readonly field directly, there’s a catch – and that catch is where the problem lies.

The Culprit: Compiled Code Optimization

When you compile your code, the compiler performs various optimizations to improve performance and reduce memory usage. One such optimization is called “constant folding.” Constant folding is a process where the compiler evaluates constant expressions and replaces them with their computed values.

Here’s where things get interesting. When you use a static readonly field as a constant in your code, the compiler treats it as a constant value. During compilation, the compiler replaces all references to the static readonly field with its initial value. This means that if you try to log or display the value of the static readonly field, you’ll see the initial value, not the current value.

public class MyClass
    public static readonly string MyStaticField = "Initial Value";
    public void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine(MyStaticField); // displays "Initial Value"

How Static Readonly Field Value Gets Replaced

Now, let’s explore a scenario where the static readonly field value gets replaced. Suppose you have a separate assembly that uses the static readonly field:

// Assembly1
public class MyClass
    public static readonly string MyStaticField = "Initial Value";

// Assembly2
public class MyOtherClass
    public void MyMethod()
        MyClass.MyStaticField = "New Value"; // this won't compile, but what if...

In the above example, Assembly2 references Assembly1 and tries to reassign the value of MyStaticField. Although this code won’t compile, let’s assume it somehow magically works.

What happens when you load Assembly2 into your application? Since the compiler has already replaced all references to MyStaticField with its initial value, the assignment in Assembly2 doesn’t affect the original value in Assembly1. However, when you use MyStaticField in your application, you’ll see the new value, not the initial value.

Scenario Result
Use MyStaticField in Assembly1 Initial Value
Use MyStaticField in Assembly2 New Value
Use MyStaticField in the application New Value

Solution: Avoid Using Static Readonly Fields as Constants

So, how do you avoid this pitfall? The solution is simple: don’t use static readonly fields as constants. Instead, use constants or immutable objects to store your constant values.

public class MyClass
    public const string MyConstant = "Initial Value";
    public void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine(MyConstant); // always displays "Initial Value"

By using constants or immutable objects, you ensure that the values remain unchanged throughout your application, eliminating the risk of unexpected value replacements.

Best Practices for Using Static Readonly Fields

To avoid any unexpected behavior, follow these best practices when using static readonly fields:

  • Avoid using static readonly fields as constants.
  • Use immutable objects or constants to store constant values.
  • Initialize static readonly fields only during declaration or in a static constructor.
  • Avoid reassigning values to static readonly fields.
  • Be cautious when using static readonly fields across multiple assemblies.


In conclusion, the mystery of static readonly field value replacement is a result of compiled code optimization and constant folding. By understanding the root cause of this phenomenon and following best practices for using static readonly fields, you can avoid unexpected value replacements and write more robust, maintainable code.

Remember, in the world of programming, it’s not just about writing code that works; it’s about writing code that works as intended. So, the next time you encounter a static readonly field, be sure to handle it with care – and a healthy dose of caution!

  1. MSDN: readonly (C# Reference)
  2. MSDN: static (C# Reference)
  3. Wikipedia: Constant folding

Now that you’ve mastered the art of handling static readonly fields, go forth and conquer the world of programming – one optimized line of code at a time!

Frequently Asked Question

Static readonly fields – the holy grail of immutability in .NET. But, what happens when you least expect it? Your static readonly field value gets replaced, leaving you wondering what dark magic is at play. Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Q1: Can I assign a value to a static readonly field multiple times?

No, you can’t! Static readonly fields can only be assigned a value during declaration or in a static constructor in the same class. Any attempts to reassign a value will result in a compile-time error.

Q2: Is it possible to change the value of a static readonly field using reflection?

The sneaky dev in you might think, “Hey, I can use reflection to change the value.” But, alas, static readonly fields are marked with the `initonly` flag, which makes them impervious to reflection-based shenanigans. The CLR will prevent any attempts to modify the value.

Q3: Do static readonly fields behave the same in different assemblies?

A clever question! Yes, static readonly fields exhibit the same behavior across different assemblies. The compiler ensures that each assembly gets its own copy of the static readonly field, so changes to one assembly won’t affect others.

Q4: Can I use static readonly fields in a multithreaded environment?

Absolutely! Static readonly fields are thread-safe, as they’re initialized only once, and subsequent accesses are guaranteed to see the same value. You can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing your static readonly fields won’t be affected by concurrent access.

Q5: Are static readonly fields serialized?

The short answer is no, static readonly fields are not serialized. Since they’re tied to the type itself, rather than instances, they’re not part of the serialization process. This means you don’t have to worry about the value being modified during serialization or deserialization.

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