What is a “responsibility” in the Single Responsibility Principle?
Image by Chesslie - hkhazo.biz.id

What is a “responsibility” in the Single Responsibility Principle?

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The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a fundamental concept in software design and development. It states that a class or module should have only one reason to change, or in other words, it should have only one responsibility. But what exactly is a “responsibility” in the context of SRP?

Table of Contents

Defining Responsibility

In the context of SRP, a responsibility is a specific task, duty, or function that a class or module is expected to perform. It is a clear and defined role that the class or module should fulfill. In other words, a responsibility is a specific answer to the question “What is this class/module supposed to do?”

Example 1: A Simple Login System

public class LoginSystem {
    public void authenticateUser(String username, String password) {
        // authenticate user logic

    public void logUserActivity(User user) {
        // log user activity logic

    public void sendWelcomeEmail(User user) {
        // send welcome email logic

In this example, the LoginSystem class has multiple responsibilities:

  • Authenticating users
  • Logging user activity
  • Sending welcome emails

This class has multiple reasons to change, violating the SRP. If we need to make changes to the authentication logic, we might accidentally break the logging or email functionality. This class is doing too much and needs to be refactored to follow the SRP.

Example 2: A Refactored Login System

public class Authenticator {
    public void authenticateUser(String username, String password) {
        // authenticate user logic

public class ActivityLogger {
    public void logUserActivity(User user) {
        // log user activity logic

public class EmailNotifier {
    public void sendWelcomeEmail(User user) {
        // send welcome email logic

In this refactored example, each class has a single responsibility:

  • Authenticator is responsible for authenticating users
  • ActivityLogger is responsible for logging user activity
  • EmailNotifier is responsible for sending welcome emails

Each class has only one reason to change, making it easier to maintain and update the system.

Characteristics of a Responsibility

A responsibility should have the following characteristics:

Characteristic Description
Specificity A responsibility should be specific and well-defined, leaving no room for ambiguity.
Singularity A responsibility should be singular, meaning it is not combined with other responsibilities.
Autonomy A responsibility should have autonomy, meaning it can operate independently without affecting other responsibilities.

Identifying Responsibilities

Identifying responsibilities can be a challenging task, especially in complex systems. Here are some tips to help you identify responsibilities:

  1. Ask yourself “What is this class/module supposed to do?”

  2. Identify the key features and functionalities of the class or module.

  3. Look for nouns and verbs in the class or module’s name, as they often indicate responsibilities.

  4. Analyze the class or module’s dependencies and SEE if they can be grouped into cohesive responsibilities.

  5. Use the “Single Responsibility Principle” as a guiding principle, asking yourself “Does this class/module have only one reason to change?”

Benefits of Identifying Responsibilities

Identifying responsibilities has several benefits, including:

  • Easier maintenance and updates, as changes are isolated to a specific responsibility.

  • Better modularity, as responsibilities are decoupled and can be developed independently.

  • Improved readability, as responsibilities are clear and well-defined.

  • Reduced coupling, as responsibilities are autonomous and do not affect other responsibilities.

  • Better scalability, as responsibilities can be added or removed as needed.


In conclusion, identifying responsibilities is a crucial step in designing and developing software systems that follow the Single Responsibility Principle. By understanding what a responsibility is and how to identify them, you can create more modular, maintainable, and scalable systems. Remember, a responsibility is a specific task or function that a class or module is expected to perform, and it should have characteristics such as specificity, singularity, coherence, and autonomy. By following the guidance provided in this article, you can improve your software design skills and create better software systems.

So, the next time you’re faced with a complex system, ask yourself “What is this class/module supposed to do?” and identify the responsibilities that make up the system.

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on the Single Responsibility Principle with these FAQs!

What is a “responsibility” in the Single Responsibility Principle?

In the Single Responsibility Principle, a “responsibility” refers to a reason to change a class or module. It’s a single, well-defined purpose or goal that the class or module is designed to achieve. This responsibility should be independent of other responsibilities, allowing the class or module to focus on a specific task without being responsible for multiple, unrelated tasks.

Can a class or module have multiple responsibilities?

According to the Single Responsibility Principle, a class or module should have only one responsibility. Having multiple responsibilities can lead to tight coupling, making it difficult to maintain, extend, or modify the class or module without affecting other parts of the system.

How do I identify the responsibility of a class or module?

To identify the responsibility of a class or module, ask yourself: “What is the primary purpose of this class or module?” or “What problem does it solve?” The answer should be a concise, clear statement that defines the class or module’s single responsibility.

Can a responsibility change over time?

Yes, a responsibility can change over time as the system evolves. This might occur due to changes in requirements, new technologies, or shifts in business goals. When a responsibility changes, it’s essential to refactor the class or module to ensure it remains focused on its new single responsibility.

How does the Single Responsibility Principle benefit my code?

The Single Responsibility Principle promotes clean, maintainable, and scalable code by ensuring each class or module has a clear, well-defined purpose. This leads to fewer dependencies, reduced coupling, and easier modification, making your code more flexible and efficient.